Hi, I’m Alycia Diggs-Chavis!

I am a Certified Master Energy Healer and Intuitive Coach that uses Sacred Geometry and Sound Healing to successfully change lives!

Are you suffering from high-stress levels, physical pain, depression, anxiety, or insecurity?

Have you experienced trauma that is impacting your quality of life?

Are you constantly on an emotional roller-coaster?

Do you feel frustrated with your situation or “stuck” in life?

Do you spend all your time taking care of others, but no time on yourself?

Do you know you are meant to do something different or more with your life, but you can’t quite figure out what it is?

If you answered “yes” to any of these, I am here to help. I work with people around the world to address the challenges personal and work life throw at us all.

I’ll meet you where you are in the moment, wherever that may be, and we’ll partner to move you forward on your own unique path of growth and healing. My goal is to support you with the insights and tools you need to manage life’s challenges more easily.


Life Coaching Sessions

Life Coaching Sessions will help you create clarity in relation to what you want and how you can get it. It bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Your sessions will include strategies to reach your goals, with my guidance and support, every step of the way.

Healing Sessions (Individual or Group)

A soothing energy healing session that promotes deep relaxation; relieves stress, and anxiety; removes blockages, and brings your mind-body-soul into balance, giving you a profound feeling of inner calm.


Sound Meditation (Individual or Group)

Sound meditation is a type of mindfulness meditation that uses sounds to focus the mind. This session will help you clear the energetic field and restore proper flow of energy that is blocked due to physical, mental or emotional trauma.


Corporate Programs

Our Corporate Programs are custom designed to meet the specific needs of your company. With a unique blend of energy healing and intuitive coaching, our programs enhance productivity, collaboration, and overall well-being. Whether it’s a stand-alone event, part of a larger company meeting, small group, and individual employee sessions, or a combination of these, we’ll partner with you to promote a positive and supportive work culture that encourages personal growth and development, helping your team unlock their full potential.



  • I went to Alycia as I was dealing with some fear-based blocks. I could sense the blocks are due to my strained connection with Divine. I suffered from depression most of my life and I knew my emotional and health issues have something to do with this. I set my intention for the energy session to remove blocks from my connection with the Divine. I have had energy healings before but each is different and I wasn't sure what to expect from this healing. I was surprised I could sense within my body what she was working on. At the end of the healing session, the messages from each chakra were a nice surprise gift as well. Alycia mentioned that sometimes the full effect can show up after weeks or even months. Since the healing, when I go into doubt or am stuck with making a decision, I remember the messages received from her helping me move forward. I didn't feel anything about the Divine connection though. I felt sad but I let it be. After about a month after the healing, I realized I formed the wrong belief about the Divine as a child and I could spontaneously let it go!! This was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. It's been about a week since this happened. There is a marked difference in my self-confidence. I feel much lighter emotionally and depression doesn't have as much hold on me anymore. Thank you, Alycia!

    Maddy S.

  • I was struggling greatly with work and 2 weeks after a single session I completed training that I’d previously attempted twice in 8 years. I can’t recommend these services enough. Personal and/or professional needs or struggles she’s your gal ♥️

    Theresa M.

  • My spiritual healing experience was nothing short of amazing and, if I’m honest, transformational. The interaction with Alycia during the healing was more than I expected in the best of ways. I was skeptical that someone could tap into places in me that I hadn’t seen or felt, and sort of “hid” behind my wife by who had a session before me. My wife’s reaction to her experience sold me, and I tried to go in with an open mind. What resulted was a real release of tension as I could feel the energy passing between Alycia and me. I was so relaxed during the process yet excited that I could feel – and see! – energy in waves and colors to the point I felt I could reach out and touch them. The final sign that something truly physical and spiritual had happened was my body’s reaction. Just as when I have a great deep-tissue massage or an intense workout, my head was clearing itself of fluids! Not trying to be weird, but this is something I only experience when my body is pressed beyond its normal limits. To experience that just by closing my eyes and allowing Alycia’s and the universe’s energy to pass through me was remarkable. The transformational part came days later as I felt the experience settle inside me and thought back to it. I have been in such a great space ever since… three months after our session! I look forward to my next session with Alycia. I am skeptical no more!

    Kenny E